User's Manual

X750 Basic Troubleshooting
Do not use the equipment if there are any obvious malfunctions or damage and
contact Mitcorp for repairs.
Do not use the instrument when you suspect even the slightest irregularity.
This troubleshooting guide is for basic problems only
if the problem cannot be
through the described action, please stop using the product and contact Mitcorp for
Defect Possible Cause Recommended action
Cannot power on
1. Out of battery Please connect the power cord to charge
2. The probe is not connected properly Please screw on the probe connector tightly
3. The environmental temperature
is too low or too high
Please place the system in a normal temperature
4. The Base Unit is broken
Please contact Mitcorp or your local distributor
for repair
When there is no image
/ the image is freezing
after powering on
1. Abnormal power on Please reset the system
2. The Probe doesn’t connect
Please screw on the probe connector tightly
3. A Hot-swap was performed
Please power on the console after connecting
the probe
4. The console or the probe is broken
Please contact Mitcorp or your local distributor
for repair
Cannot record
No SD card Insert SD card
Cannot activate Wi-Fi
No GPS Signal Reboot
Cold boot(e.g. changing batteries): 2~13 mins
Warm boot: about 1 min
Color tone is not correct White balance error Check
/ calibrate white balance
Charging set LED
Poor battery conducting
1. Withdraw the battery from the charging set
2. Withdraw the power input from the charging set
3. Install the power input and battery again
Common Issues: Insertion Probes
Defect Cause Recommended action
The probe doesn’t
articulate fully
1. The probe is rolled up
Please spread the probes out
2. The probe is twisted
3. The probe was pulled with too
much force
Please avoid pulling the probe excessively
4. The probe head is interfered
by another force
Please reserve the room for articulation
5. The Probe head is broken Please sent it back to Mitcorp for RMA
The image is unclear 1. The lens is dirty Please clean the lens with the cleaning kit
Front LED light is off
1. Particle free feature is on
Please turn it off and check again2. Light off feature is on
The screen is white 1. Light boost is on
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Common Issues: Main System