User manual

IPCAM User Manual
FTP Mode: support standard(POST) mode and passive(PASV) mode.
Upload Image Now: it will upload image now when checkbox is not checked.When
checked,you can input upload interval(Seconds) .
FTP test: set the FTP parameter and click "Submit" first. Then click “FTP test” if succeed,
it will display the prompt“FTP test succeed”.There are FTP test result:
1 Can not connect to the server. Please check FTP Server is correct or not.
2 Network Error. Please try later.
3 Server Error.
4 Incorrect user or password. Please check the username and password is correct or not.
5 Can not access the folder. Please be sure the folder exists and your account is
6 Error in PASV mode. Please be sure the server support PASV mode
7 Error in PORT mode. PASV mode should be selected if the device is behind a NAT
8 Can not upload file. Please be sure your account is authorized
Figure 2.18
2.5.5 Motion Detection
Enter Alarm Service Settings page to configure Motion Detection function.
Motion Detect Armed
When you enable motion detect armed, the camera can be triggered to send email alerts
and record images.In the camera monitoring page,the green ico turn to red and an alert
sound you will hear,
Motion Detect Sensibility
you can choose a level from 1 to 10. the most sensitive is 10.
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