User manual

IPCAM User Manual
Figure 3.4
Access the IP Camera from the Internet
User can access the IP Camera from the Internet,Enter WAN IP address + port number in
the IE to access IP Camera.For example,
Note: Make sure the Port mapping is success.You can do port mapping by two ways:
z Enter setting page of the router which ipcamera connect with to enable UPNP
function.Enter ipcamera “Upnp Settings” to enable UPNP and make sure the state is
“Upnp success”.
z If your router has the Virtual Map function.Enter router setting page,add ipcamera’s
IP and port to the Virtual map list.
3.6 How to use DDNS
When use ADSL, the IP Camera will connect to the Internet through ADSL automatically.
For each ADSL reconnection,ISP will re-assign a new IP address for the IP Camera to
facilitate the access. DDNS(
Dynamic Domain Name Server) can map the dynamic IP
address of an IP Camera to a fixed domain name.Therefore,we can access the IP
Camera by the fixed domain name whether the IP address changes or not. The IP
address is not necessary when you using the DDNS via the domain name to find your
1) Go to the website which Provides free domain name,register and apply a free domain
name. such as ).
2) login the Camera homepage as Administration and enter”DDNS Service
Settings”page input the name, password and Host(details:
2.5.3) .Then click <SUBMIT>
and reboot Device.
3) Re-login the Camera homepage and enter”DDNS Service Settings”page to check the
DDNS Status is DynDns Succeed or not.
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