Item Brochure

How can I make it easier to get into and out of
my bathtub?
A transfer bench straddles the side of the bathtub,
allowing you to sit down outside the tub and then
move over the surface of the bench into the bathtub.
You may also want to consider installing grab bars
on the walls of the shower/tub area.
How can I prevent falling when I am bathing
or showering?
A bath bench can be placed inside your bathtub or
shower. You can then safely sit on the bench while
you wash your body. You may also want to consider
installing grab bars on the walls and using a hand-
held shower attachment to make showering easier.
How can I make it easier to get up from a
toilet seat?
A raised toilet seat can easily be installed on top
of your toilet seat. The advantage of a raised toilet
seat is that it provides additional height, decreasing
the distance you have to sit down or stand up.
How can I keep myself steady and prevent
falling when I am standing in the shower?
Consider installing grab bars on the walls.
Grab bars provide safety and support to help
you maintain balance.
Answers To Your Questions
How can I keep the cast on my arm dry while I am
bathing or showering?
A cast protector is a plastic sleeve that can be pulled
over your hand and forearm, shielding your cast from
the water.
How can I take care of toileting closer to my bed?
A bedside commode can be placed next to your bed,
making it easy and accessible anytime. You can also
use commode liners inside the commode bucket to
make cleanup easier and sanitary.
What kind of walking aid would allow me to safely
walk along outdoors, but sit down if I become tired?
A rollator has four wheels, handbrakes, and a padded
seat on which you can sit. A rollator allows you to
safely walk along, but sit on the padded seat if you
become tired.
Should I use a standard wheelchair (large wheels
in rear) or a transport chair (small wheels in rear)?
A standard wheelchair allows you to self-propel
without the aid of a caregiver. Although a transport
chair requires a caregiver to push the chair, a transport
chair is smaller and lighter than a standard wheelchair—
making a transport chair easier to transport in an auto-
mobile. Some people choose to own both a standard
wheelchair and a transport chair, so they have the best
of both worlds.
What kind of walking aid would allow me to be
pushed (transported) part of the time and walk
along part of the time?
A combination transport chair/rollator is a convenient
device which converts in seconds between the modes of
transport chair and rollator. You can walk along and get
exercise, sit and rest when you are tired, or be pushed
along with the device in transport chair mode.
Health conditions can create safety
challenges in the bathroom and impair
your mobility. These answers can point
you towards products that improve bath-
room safety and enhance your mobility.