User's Manual

History and events
This chapter describes the History and Event Markers features. The History screens
provide personal pump therapy details, including information about your insulin
deliveries, BG meter readings, sensor glucose (SG) readings, and any alarms and
alerts you received. The Event Markers feature allows you to enter and save
information, such as manual BG readings, carbohydrates eaten, and exercise.
The History feature includes the Summary, Daily History, and Alarm History screens.
The SG Review and ISIG History screens are available if you are using the Sensor
Summary screen
The Summary screen shows details about past insulin deliveries and meter
readings. If you are using a sensor, the Summary screen also shows information
about your sensor alerts and sensor glucose readings.
You can view historical details for a single day, or you can select multiple days to
view an average of all the results for the number of days that you selected.
To view your Summary screen:
1. Go to the Summary screen.
Menu > History > Summary
2. Select the time period for the Summary screen.
The Summary screen appears, showing information for the number of days
that you selected.
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