Installation Instructions Part 1

Table Of Contents
Pump Implantation
Rinse the Pump with insulin (IN1)
11. Remove the second refill syringe from the refill kit package.
12. Firmly attach the two-way stopcock to the refill syringe and attach an
18 gauge needle to the stopcock. Use the sterile marker to label the
syringe, “IN1”.
13. Draw 20 mL of INSULIN (two vials) into the refill syringe.
14. Remove the 18 gauge needle and expel all air bubbles in the syringe.
15. Close the stopcock.
16. Retract the plunger until it locks into place. This should be no further
than 55 mL. Do not go beyond the vent hole. Press the lock into the
plunger groove to be sure it is firmly secured.
17. Shake vigorously for a minimum of 30 seconds to degas the
18. Point the syringe tip upward and slowly open the stopcock to vent the
19. Release the locking ring on the refill syringe.
20. Expel air in the syringe and carefully observe to ensure no air bubbles
remain in the syringe. If air bubbles are noted, repeat steps 15 - 20.
21. Fill the hub of the refill needle with INSULIN and attach it to the
22. Prime the needle and close the stopcock.
23. Refill the fill port with the 3 mL RINSE BUFFER syringe, as needed,
to maintain the fluid barrier.
24. Use the “IN1” syringe containing the degassed INSULIN to fill the
Pump. Page 82 Thursday, April 4, 2002 8:15 AM