Product Info Part 4

Table Of Contents
dle and close stopcock. Set aside the syringe.
Syringe 7: Insulin (degassed)
14. Prime the needle on syringe 7. Weigh and record the combined weight
of syringes 6 and 7 on the Refill Form.
15. Close the stopcock. Enter the Pump fill port with the refill needle.
16. Open the stopcock and allow the Pump to fill completely with INSU-
LIN. When the fluid level stops moving, the pump is filled. When the
Pump is filled, approximately 10 ml of INSULIN will remain in the
syringe. Leave the syringe in place for the next step.
Equilibrate and pull insulin through system
The reservoir pressure in the Pump is equilibrated with outside ambient
pressure and INSULIN is pulled through the fluid system. This procedure
uses the following volumes in syringes 6 and 7:
Syringe 7 with residual INSULIN from previous step
Syringe 6 with 5 ml solution. To perform this procedure with
syringes 6 and 7, follow the steps below:
Syringe 6: Insulin (residual)
Syringe 7: Insulin (residual)
1. Maintain syringe 7 with approximately 10 ml of residual INSULIN in
the Pump fill port. Verify that the stopcock on syringe 7 is open.
2. Prime the syringe 6 needle. Close the stopcock.
3. Obtain a vacuum in syringe 6 by pulling back on the plunger until it
locks. Press the lock into the plunger groove to be sure it is firmly
4. Enter the side port with syringe 6 - stopcock closed.
5. Open the stopcock on syringe 6. Page 161 Wednesday, April 3, 2002 5:07 PM