Technical Specs Part 3

CHAPTER 10 Troubleshooting Pump
System Under-delivery
Potential under-delivery of insulin by the Medtronic MiniMed 2007C
Implantable Insulin Pump System may result in an increase in daily pro-
grammed insulin usage, difficulty maintaining euglycemia, occasional
hyperglycemia, and problems calculating refill accuracy. This chapter
describes how to diagnose potential Pump System problems that may
cause insulin under-delivery, and offers potential Pump and Catheter solu-
tions to correct for under-delivery.
Diagnostic procedures
When refill procedures reveal the possibility of a Pump System under-
delivery problem, diagnostic procedures must be performed to verify if
there is a problem with either the Pump or Catheter. The Stroke Volume
Measurement Procedure tests Pump function, while the Pressure Mea-
surement Procedure tests Catheter patency. These diagnostic procedures
should be performed according to the steps outlined in Appendix G and
Appendix H, respectively.
Under-delivery caused by backflow
Backflow results in the inverted flow of insulin through the Pump Sys-
tem. Backflow is caused by insulin deposits that compromise valve integ-
rity, and allow the negative reservoir pressure (vacuum) to pull insulin
back into the reservoir. To compensate for this under-delivery, the user
can program appropriate increases in their basal rates and bolus amounts. Page 131 Wednesday, April 3, 2002 5:06 PM