User Manual

Congratulations on buying one of the most exciting devices in the field of diabetes care! The Medtronic
MiniMed Guardian
RT (Real Time) System (MMT-7900) continuously monitors glucose levels, provides real-
time glucose values, and gives high and low glucose alerts. The Guardian RT uses three separate compo-
nents—Sensor, Transmitter, and Monitor—to measure and display glucose levels in persons with diabetes.
The Sensor is inserted in the abdomen in fluid under the skin (Interstitial Fluid) and is attached to the
Transmitter. The Transmitter takes information from the Sensor and sends it to the Monitor. The Monitor is
a device that can store this information for real-time review, or can download it to a personal computer
using a Medtronic MiniMed Com-Station™ (MMT-7301) and the Guardian Solutions™ Software (MMT-7315).
This information is used by you and your doctor to identify glucose patterns and to improve your diabetes
We know you are ready to start, but before you do, please read the following user guide to learn all
about the Guardian RT. Chapter 1 gives a general overview of the system. Chapter 2 offers step-by-step
instructions to get you started. Chapter 3 explains the routine operation of the Guardian RT. Chapter 4
walks you through the system alarms and troubleshooting approach. Chapter 5 goes over performance
characteristics, and Chapter 6 covers system maintenance and other important information.
Figure 1.1