How-To Guide

Note: You can stop a bolus at any point by pressing and
selecting Stop Bolus.
6. If a new BG value is used in the Auto Mode Bolus feature, the following
screen also appears to ask you to calibrate your sensor. Select Yes or No.
Alert Silence
The Alert Silence option lets you temporarily silence SG alerts. This is useful in
situations where you do not want to disturb others, such as when you are in a
business meeting or in a movie theater. When using this option, your system still
records the time and glucose value for any alerts that occur. You can view this
information in the Alarm History screen. See Alarm History, on page 143 for details.
If a glucose alert occurs when you are using the Alert Silence option, the
notification light begins to flash and the Sensor alert occurred alert appears to let
you know an alert was silenced, but there is no vibration or sound. If you have not
cleared the alert by the end of the preset alert silence duration, your pump begins
to beep or vibrate periodically until the alert is cleared.
Note: The following alarms and alerts are never silenced:
Low SG XX mg/dL (XX represents 50 mg/dL or below) alarm
234 Chapter 12