How-To Guide

Alarms, alerts, and messages
This chapter describes the general behavior of the most common and the most
serious notifications and how to resolve them. For information about how to set
your notification preferences in the app, see the MiniMed Mobile app user guide.
About alarms, alerts, and messages
Your pump has a sophisticated safety network. If this safety network detects
anything unusual, it conveys this information in the form of notifications.
Notifications include alarms, alerts, and messages.
When you receive more than one notification and there are multiple messages to
view, a small white flap appears on the notification icon in the upper-right corner
of the screen
. When you clear the first notification, the next notification
becomes visible.
Note: It is important that you promptly respond to all notifications and
confirmations that appear on your pump. In the event that you do not
respond, your pump may remain on that screen until addressed.
When you respond to a message, there may be times when another
message appears. Always be sure to address all notifications you have
A white triangle in the lower-right corner means you must press to continue.
Alarms, alerts, and messages 241
Alarms, alerts, and messages