Product Info

Table Of Contents
Bolus BG Check reminder A reminder that you set just after you program a bolus.
The reminder tells you to check your BG when the time
period that you specified has passed.
bolus insulin Insulin used to cover an expected rise in BG levels due
to carbohydrates, or to lower a high BG value down to
your target range.
Bolus Speed A feature that lets you choose the speed at which your
device delivers bolus insulin.
Bolus Wizard feature A feature that uses your individual Bolus Wizard settings
to calculate an estimated bolus amount based on the BG
values and carbs that you enter. These settings include
Carb Ratio, Insulin Sensitivity Factor, BG Target range, and
Active Insulin Time.
calibrate The process of using a meter BG reading to calculate SG
Calibration reminder Set the Calibration reminder to notify you when your
next calibration is due.
cannula Short, thin, and flexible tube placed in the tissue below
the skin. Insulin is delivered through the cannula into the
carb ratio The number of grams of carbohydrates covered by one
unit of insulin. The carb ratio is used to calculate bolus
CGM Abbreviation for continuous glucose monitoring. See
continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).
continuous glucose
monitoring (CGM)
A monitoring tool that uses a glucose sensor placed
below the skin to continuously measure the amount of
glucose in your interstitial fluid.
correction bolus Insulin used to lower a high BG value down to your
target range.
Daily History A feature that displays the actions that you performed
using your device.
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) A serious condition that occurs when the insulin levels
are low, BG levels are elevated, and the body uses fat for
Glossary 407