Product Info

Table Of Contents
Resume basal alert An alert that can be set to occur when your pump has
automatically resumed basal insulin delivery after a
Suspend before low or Suspend on low event because
your SG values have met the necessary criteria. This alert
always occurs if basal insulin delivery has resumed
because the two-hour maximum suspend time has
Rewind A feature used when you change a reservoir. It returns
the piston to its start position and lets a new reservoir
be placed into the pump.
Rise Alert An alert that tells you if your SG value is rising rapidly.
sensitivity See insulin sensitivity factor.
sensor (glucose sensor) The small part of the continuous glucose monitoring
system that you insert just below your skin to measure
glucose levels in your interstitial fluid.
sensor glucose (SG) Glucose that is present in the interstitial fluid and is
measured by a glucose sensor.
Set Change reminder A reminder that you can set to change your infusion set.
SG Abbreviation for sensor glucose. See sensor glucose (SG).
Sleep mode A state in which your pump is fully functional, but the
screen is dark. Your pump automatically enters sleep
mode when you have not pressed any buttons for about
two minutes.
SmartGuard suspend SmartGuard suspend features include Suspend before
low and Suspend on low.
SmartGuard technology A feature that can automatically stop and resume insulin
delivery based on your SG values and low limit.
SmartGuard Auto Mode can automatically adjust basal
insulin delivery based on SG values.
Square Wave bolus A bolus delivered evenly over a specified time period.
Suspend before low A feature that suspends insulin delivery when the sensor
predicts the SG value is approaching your low limit.
410 Glossary