Product Info

Table Of Contents
71 Example 2: Basal patterns
71 Temp basal rates
72 About temp basal rates
73 Example 1: Temp basal rates
73 Starting a temp basal rate
74 Preset temp basal rates
77 Canceling a temp basal or preset temp basal rate
77 Viewing your basal information
78 Stopping and resuming your insulin delivery
 ■   Bolus
83 About bolus deliveries
83 Bolus types
84 Bolus type example
85 Bolus delivery options
87 Bolus settings
88 Max bolus
89 Example 1: Max bolus
89 Example 2: Max bolus
89 Bolus increment
90 Bolus speed
90 Bolus Wizard feature
90 Understanding your Bolus Wizard settings
91 Setting up the Bolus Wizard feature
94 Changing your Bolus Wizard settings
96 Turning off the Bolus Wizard feature
96 About active insulin
97 Bolus Wizard feature alerts
98 Normal bolus
98 Delivering a Normal bolus with the Bolus Wizard feature
101 Delivering a Normal bolus using Manual Bolus
101 Square Wave bolus
Contents ix