How-To Guide

Power modes
Your pump is designed to conserve battery power when you are not actively using
the pump screens.
In this
Your pump behaves like this
Awake Your pump screen is on. Unless you are actively using another screen, your
Home screen appears.
To wake up your pump from being in power save or sleep mode, press
any button. If your pump has been in sleep mode, the pump is locked. To
unlock your pump, see Unlocking your pump, on page 43.
Your pump is fully functional, but the screen goes dark to save power. You
can set how long it takes for your screen to enter power save mode with
the Backlight setting. For more information, see Display Options, on
page 161. If any button is pressed while the pump is in power save mode,
the pump returns to the screen that was last displayed.
Sleep Your pump automatically enters sleep mode when you have not pressed
any buttons for about two minutes after your screen goes dark (power
save mode). Your pump is still fully functional. When you press
, a
screen appears and tells you to unlock your pump. Press the highlighted
button to unlock your pump. For details, see Unlocking your pump, on
page 43.
To put your pump into sleep mode, press and hold the
button for
about two seconds.
If you remove your pump
You may have an occasion when you need or want to remove your pump. If you
have to remove and store your pump, it is recommended that you do the
Write down a record of your current basal rates and use the Save Settings
feature. See Saving your settings, on page 162 for more information.
Remove the battery. See Storing your pump, on page 294 for more information.
Remember, your body still needs insulin while your pump is removed.
58 Chapter 2