How-To Guide

A bolus is the amount of insulin taken to cover an expected rise in blood glucose
(BG), typically when you eat a meal or snack. You can also use a bolus to correct a
high BG reading.
About bolus deliveries
There are different types of bolus deliveries you can use, depending on your
insulin needs at the time. There are also different ways you can deliver a bolus.
Discuss these options with your healthcare professional to determine what is best
for you.
Bolus types
Note: While in SmartGuard Auto Mode, you can only deliver a Normal
The following table provides general information about the available bolus types.
Description Purpose
Normal Normal bolus provides a
single immediate dose of
This is the typical bolus type you use to
cover your food intake or to correct a high
BG meter reading.
For details about using the Normal bolus
feature, see Normal bolus, on page 98.
Bolus 83