How-To Guide

Icon Icon name What it means
Battery The color and fill level of the battery icon indicate the
charge level of your pump battery.
When a new battery is inserted and your battery is full,
the icon is solid green
. This indicates that
approximately 100% of your battery capacity remains. In
most cases, you can expect at least seven days of use
As the battery life is used, the icon changes from solid
green in the following order
. This indicates
that the charge level of your battery is decreasing from
100% to 0%. The yellow icon indicates that the battery
needs to be replaced soon. It is recommended that you
have a new or fully charged battery available. The
remaining charge level of your battery varies based on
the battery type and how you use the pump.
When your battery is low, the icon has a single red bar
. This indicates that under typical use you have up to
10 hours of use remaining.
When your battery needs to be replaced immediately,
the icon is solid black with a red outline
. This
indicates you have less than 30 minutes of use
First steps
First steps 45