User Manual

3. When you reach the desired bolus amount, press and hold to confirm the
amount. Your pump beeps or vibrates for each button press. Count to ensure
the amount is correct. If the amount is incorrect, press and hold
until you
hear a tone, and then start again from step 1.
4. When the bolus amount is confirmed, press and hold
for about one
second to deliver your bolus. Your pump beeps or vibrates. Your bolus starts
immediately after the confirmation.
Note: If you do not start your bolus within 10 seconds, the bolus is
canceled and a message appears to notify you that your bolus was
not delivered.
Preset bolus
The Preset Bolus feature lets you set up in advance bolus deliveries you expect to
use frequently. There are four preset bolus names that let you match a bolus to a
meal with a known carb content: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack. There are
four additional preset bolus names you can set for other circumstances. These are
numbered from Bolus 1 to Bolus 4.
Note: To set up a Dual Wave bolus or Square Wave bolus, the Dual
Wave bolus or Square Wave bolus feature must be turned on.
Setting up and managing preset bolus deliveries
To set up preset bolus amounts:
1. Press
and go to the Preset Bolus Setup screen.
Options > Delivery Settings > Preset Bolus Setup
The Preset Bolus Setup screen appears and shows any existing Preset Bolus
2. Select Add New.
The Select Name screen appears with the available Preset Bolus names.
3. Select a preset bolus.
110 Chapter 4