Users Manual

Daily History
The Daily History screen displays a list of actions you performed on your pump or
event entries that you made for the selected day, such as your BG meter readings,
sensor calibrations, bolus deliveries, any temp basal rates you have used, and so
on. The list displays the most recent action or event first. From this list, you can
display further details about any action or event.
To view your Daily History:
1. Press
and go to the Daily History screen.
Options > History > Daily History
A list of dates appears.
2. Select a specific date of history to view. A list appears with any pump actions
or events entered on the specified day.
3. You can select any item in the list to open the Detail screen, which displays
more information about the selected action or event. For example, if you view
the details of a bolus delivered using the Bolus Wizard feature, the Detail
screen shows you all of the data associated with that bolus, such as the BG
correction amount, active insulin adjustment, carbs entered, and calculated
Alarm History
The Alarm History screen displays a list of alarms and alerts that occurred on the
selected day. The list displays the most recent alarm or alert first. From this list, you
can display further details about any alarm or alert.
To view your Alarm History:
1. Press
and go to the Alarm History screen.
Options > History > Alarm History
A list of dates appears.
2. Select a specific date of alarm history to view. A list appears showing any
alarms or alerts that occurred on the specified day.
3. You can select any alarm or alert in the list to open the Alarm Detail screen,
which displays more information about the selected alarm or alert.
History and events
History and events 143