Users Manual

General settings
This chapter provides information about common tasks for various settings.
Audio Options
The audio and vibrate options are set in the Audio Options screen. You can also
change the volume of most alerts and notifications if audio is enabled.
An audio icon appears on the Home screen. An audio icon indicates if your current
settings are audio only
, vibrate only , or audio and vibrate both . For more
information, see Status icons, on page 44.
To adjust the audio and vibrate settings:
1. Press
and select Audio Options to go to the Audio Options screen.
2. Select Audio or Vibrate to turn on a setting. You can use one option or both.
3. If the Audio option is enabled, the volume can be changed. Select Volume
and press
or to adjust to the desired level.
4. Select Save.
Auto Suspend
Auto Suspend is a safety feature that stops all insulin delivery and sounds an alarm
if you do not press any buttons for a specified period of time. For example, your
healthcare professional may have you set the time based on the number of hours
that you typically sleep at night. Discuss with your healthcare professional how to
best use this feature.
General settings 159
General settings