User Manual

Neurostimulator kits consist of a neurostimulator and
tools to connect the neurostimulator to implantable extensions.
Neurostimulators are used with extensions, which are implanted in
the extremely hostile environment of the human body. Neuro-
stimulators may fail to function for a variety of causes including,
but not limited to, medical complications, body rejection phenomena,
or component failure. In addition, neurostimulators and tools may
be easily damaged by improper handling or use. For tools, Medtronic
disclaims all warranties, both express and implied, including, but
not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose. Medtronic shall not be liable to any person
or entity for any medical expenses or any direct incidental or conse-
quential damages caused by any defect, failure, or malfunction of
any tool, whether a claim for such damage is based upon warranty,
contract, tort, or otherwise. No person has any authority to bind
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