User guide

about reports 44
Adherence report 46
Daily Detail report 46
Dashboard and Episode Summary 45
Device Settings Snapshot 46
Logbook report 46
Sensor & Meter Overview report 46
activating devices 35
adding a device to the system 30
adding a Guardian monitor to the system 30
adding a meter to the system 32
equivalent meter names to choose 4
adding a patient 22
adding a patient’s device to the system
Guardian monitor 30
meters 32
pumps 30
adding a pump to the system 30
Adherence report
about 46
backing up the database 49
basic CareLink Pro tasks 11
Bayer Ascensia® DEX®
devices equivalent to 4
Bayer Ascensia ELITE™ XL
devices equivalent to 4
buttons on the toolbar 9
cables for connecting devices to computer
serial 27
USB 27
CareLink Personal
getting data 24
linking to an account 23, 24
email invitation 24
existing account 23
for device data for reports 40
closing patient profiles 12
ComLink 4, 28
communication devices supported by
CareLink Pro 4
communications devices supported 3
Com-Station 4
connecting devices to computer 26
cables 27
computer connections 27
serial 27
USB 27
meter options 26
optional components 28
ComLink 28
connecting devices to your computer
computer connections 27
serial 27
USB 27
overview 27
contraindications 6
copying the database for backup 49
creating patient profiles 22
creating reports 39
checking for device data 40
getting new device data 41
making your own report 47
opening the reports workspace 39
previewing 44
printing 44
saving 44
selecting devices 40
CareLink Pro User Guide Index 62