Users Manual

System should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal
performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as re-
orienting or relocating the A7+ TouchCare® System.
B. Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less
than 10 V/m.
Electrostatic discharge
Although your A7+ TouchCare® System is designed to be unaffected by typical
levels of electrostatic discharge (ESD), very high levels of ESD can result in
reset of the A7+ TouchCare® System. If PDM restarts, please verify the PDM
settings to ensure all settings are set to the desired values. If Pump Restarted
occurs, please change a new patch. If CGM restarts, please recharge the
transmitter and change a new sensor.
For more information on changing a new patch, see Chapter “How to use Patch
For more information on changing a new sensor, see Chapter “How to use CGM
system (Optional).
For more information on re-entering your PDM settings, see Section Settings
in Chapter How to use the PDM.
If you are unable to re-enter your PDM settings, change a new patch or sensor,
or otherwise believe there is a problem with your device, contact your local
B ureau Veritas