
Technology Lab Safety Passport
The purpose of the safety passport is to ensure that students are fully aware of all safety
features on each piece of equipment in the technical facility prior to using them independently.
The general process is as follows:
1. Lesson:When the teacher introduces a new piece of equipment (e.g. lathe), the student
records the date of the safety demonstration on their safety passport. This is to be
initialed by the teacher (see sample below). The teacher demonstrates techniques for
the safe operation of the machine and personal protective equipment (e.g. eye
protection, secure loose hair, remove jewelery, protective clothing, etc.). After the
demonstration students write a note in their notebooks. This safety note is carefully
recorded in each student’s notebook along with the signed passport. The teacher also
carefully notes attendance for that day in their daybook if any students are absent for the
safety lesson; makeup opportunities must be provided.
2. Test: Each student should complete a written (or oral) test on the safe operation of the
machine tool, outlining all safety features that must be observed. The individual machine
tests are designed to compliment any general facility safety rules. Upon satisfactory
completion of the test the student dates the “tested” column and teacher initials this as
complete. IMPORTANT NOTE: A copy of the test should be kept by the teacher.
3. Student Demonstration: Students must demonstrate to the teacher that they have a
thorough knowledge of the safety rules for the equipment and are able to demonstrate
their competency on the equipment. Once the teacher has observed the required safe
setup and operation of the equipment by a student the teacher signs off that portion of
their passport.
4. Once the student has completed #1, 2 and 3, the teacher signs the final column of
student’s safety passport indicating that they have permission to use that equipment.
Students must be able to provide the teacher with their signed passport for that
equipment each time they wish to use that equipment.
Note: Three forms are provided, Form 1 can be used as a student notebook form for each
machine; Form 2 can be used for signing several machines per student. With the 2nd form,
students keep safety notes on separate paper. The third form requires one sheet per tool per
student, and may be used in the student notebook or kept on file by the teacher (or both).
Transportation SAFEdoc Page 60