
Appendix A: Health and Safety Resources
to Support Health and Safety Expectations in the Ontario Secondary
School Curriculum
This resource list has been assembled by the Live Safe! Work Smart! project team to further
support the lessons, overheads, exercises and examples in Live Safe! Work Smart! We’ve
previewed most of the resources to ensure they are suitable for the age and experience level of
your students, that they bring the workplace into your classroom and especially that they
support the health and safety expectations in the Ontario secondary curriculum
Further resources can be found in Section 3 of each chapter of Live Safe! Work Smart! and in
the Resources section at the back of each binder.
Live Safe! Work Smart! Grade 9/10 and Grade 11/12
Web address: http://www.livesafeworksmart.net
Written by health and safety professionals, produced by the
Ministry of Labour in partnership with the Ministries of
Education and Training, Colleges and Universities, Live Safe!
Work Smart! provides the only comprehensive resource for
Ontario teachers developed to match health and safety
curriculum expectations from Grades 9 – 12. It has received
top marks from the Ontario Curriculum Center. Reviews can
be viewed on the OCC website:
(www.curriculum/occ/resources.org). Within the two-volume set are lessons,
overheads, handouts and exercises well suited to cooperative education and
Binders and CDs have been distributed to all secondary schools in Ontario. If you can’t
locate either, check the website at www.livesafeworksmart.net for who to contact in your
Board to get more information on your local resources, or to order a CD of your own. If
you don’t have access to the web, you can place an order by calling 1-800-268-8013.
Ontario Ministry of Labour
Web address: http://www.gov.on.ca/lab
Transportation SAFEdoc Page 90
For news and information about Ontario’s health and safety and employment legislation,
the Ministry of Labour’s website is an excellent place to visit. It provides current
information on both employment standards and health and safety legislation, recent
fines, alerts, etc. and allows you to ask a question that will be answered by Ministry
staff. To directly access information for students, use the web address:
www.WorkSmartOntario.gov.on.ca (available early 2003)