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Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOSH)
Web address: http://www.ccohs.ca
Another website has excellent general information and a special section called Young
Workers’ Zone. The Young Worker’s Zone provides health and safety information on
various types of workplaces – great for TAP and Career Studies exercises.
CanOSH – Canada’s National Occupational Safety and Health Website
– Young Workers
Web Address: http://www.canoshweb.org/en/young_workers.html
Summary: A list of links to a series of occupational safety and health (OSH) resources
for young workers and/or individuals who are new to the workforce.
North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Young
Worker Links
Web Address: http://www.naosh.org/english/young_worker_links.html
Summary: Includes links to occupational safety and health related websites, as well as
other youth resources.
Ontario School Boards Insurance Exchange
Web Address: http://www.osbie.on.ca
Summary: The primary goals of the Exchange are to insure member school boards
against losses, and to promote safe school practices. The Ontario school “Risk
Management at a Glance” material is intended to provide guidance and direction in the
major risk management areas facing school administrators, principals, vice-principals,
teachers and all other school staff on a daily basis.
Although this reference material is not intended to replace school board policies and
procedures, it is intended to supplement the risk management considerations, which
should go into making the decisions on the most common day-to-day school activities.
The design of this publication is to promote the display of this document in a calendar-
like format in every classroom to facilitate ready “Risk Management at a Glance”. Every
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