
types of materials currently available.
Blowin’ in the Wind: Machine Guarding Prevents Deaths Length: 12 min.
Contact Info: Canadian Auto Workers Union: Health and Safety Department:
(416) 495-6558 Toll Free: 1-800-268-5763
E-mail: caw@caw.ca Web: www.caw.ca
Description: Deficiencies and the minimal use of machine guarding and lockout have
resulted in workplace injuries and fatalities. The video describes the importance of
machine guarding in protecting the health and safety of workers.
Transportation Technology
Transportation Health and Safety Association of Ontario, the Ontario Trucking
Association and the Ontario Safety League have tremendous expertise about the
industry itself and health and safety elements that everyone working in the industry
needs to know.
Transportation Health and Safety Association of Ontario
Web address: http://www.thsao.on.ca
Ontario Trucking Association
This association’s free video(s), including “Career Highways – Safety” have been used
and recommended by cooperative education teachers.
Web address: http://www.ontruck.org
Ontario Safety League
Web address: http://www.osl.org
Health and Personal Services
Health Care Health & Safety Association of Ontario
Web Address: http://www.hchsa.on.ca
Summary: HCHSA supports the prevention and reduction of workplace injuries and
occupational diseases in the health care sector in Ontario by assisting health care
sector organizations to adopt preventative best practices and approaches. Information
on the site includes: a variety of publications in print and electronic form; newsletters;
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