Setup Notice

5. Fit
The DecaMove can be placed
anywhere along the waist and
hip area but we recommend
placing it on the sides so that it
doesn?t interfere with crouching
down or bending forward.
6. Launch games from decahub Launch
In order to support many games without the
need for the game developer to install the
devices? SDK, it?s important that you launch
games from the DecaHub.
Go to the Home tab and click the game you
want to play (e.g. Pavlov VR)
A check mark next to it means that
DecaMove supports this game.
7. In game calibration
Calibration is needed at the start of every
gameplay session and at any time you feel the
device heading has drifted.
DecaMove?s gestured calibration does not require
any special settings or any pressing of buttons:
Simply hold your controllers close together in front
of your hips. Make sure your hands point in the
same direction as your head. Then look forward
and don?t move for 1 second. You will see the
?Calibrating? ? message show up, hold the
position until it?s complete. That?s it. You are
8. Game settings
Once the game is running, go to the game settings menu and make
sure that the locomotion method is set on continuous and
head-oriented and set the dominant hand to right-handed.
Also, depending on the game, remove any joystick manipulation
mechanism (e.g. locking the joystick in Contractors, or smoothing the
joystick in Boneworks). This is a very important step. Without removing
it, the movement will be wrong.
Try pushing the left joystick forward to walk around, you will see that your
movement is now relative to your hip. Enjoy the game with DecaMove!
9. DecaMove In-Game UI
The DecaMove does one thing and it does it efficiently and accurately.
It allows you to navigate with your hip with minimal drift so that your
movement direction can be independent from your headset or hand
It may take a bit of time to get used to this type of navigation control,
especially if you are used to playing with controller-based movement,
but it will give you an advantage against other non-DecaMovers.
We add an In-Game UI that shows your hip headings and the
DecaMove battery gauge.
You can turn it On or Off by clicking on the DecaMove button.
Visit the Tips section for more info of how to use the DecaMove
Charging DecaMove
To charge the DecaMove, please connect it to a USB port on your laptop
or PC using the provided USB cable.