User manual

Settings Settings
Edit a TV channel
Do you want to edit individual TV stations, says in the TV list and select the Edit tool by pressing the rechts
button below to edit links appear. Select using the up/down buttons to select the appropriate TV and press the
OK button. Now you can change the TV channel name, the lower frequency and symbol rate.
Move a TV channel
Do you want to move a single TV channel, select the Move tool, press the TV list, where you rechts button to
move the bottom links appear. Select using the up/down buttons to select the appropriate TV and press the OK
button. The selected TV channel will be ticked. Using the up/down buttons to move the TV to the new position.
Looking for a new station square in the list and press the OK button. The TV station will be stored at this point.
Save the change with the YELLOW button and confirm with the OK button.
Sort the TV channels
Do you want to rearrange the TV channel list, then
select the TV button, the tool list sorting, in which
you right button to bottom links appear sorting. Two
possible sort options are available:
Alphanumeric (from A to Z)
Pay for Free Channel
With the RED button, you can change the channel in
order from A to Z. Press the RED button reverses the
order of up to Z A.
Skip a TV channel
Would you like some TV stations in the navigation to jump so choose in the list, press the TV tool skipping in
which you right button until the bottom appears to skip links. Select using the left/right buttons to select the
appropriate TV and press the OK button. The TV channel is marked with a symbol. Save the changes with the
YELLOW button and confirm the query with the OK button.
When navigating this TV channel will now always skipped, and can not be selected using the up/down but-
tons. Only by the numeric input can be accessed at this station.
Delete a TV channel
Do you want to delete a single TV channel, so choose in the list, press the TV Tool Delete where you right but-
ton until Delete appears below links. Select using the up/down buttons to select the appropriate TV and press
the OK button. The selected TV channel will be marked with a cross symbol. Save the changes to the YELLOW
button and confirm the dialog with the OK button. The selected TV channel will be removed from the list.
With the GREEN button, you can sort by pay-TV or free channels. Try pressing the GREEN button and the recipi-
ent to open them sorted by pay channels. Pressing the GREEN button reverses the order. Press the EXIT key to
stop the sorting. Confirm the change by pressing the OK button.
Highlight the station name (the active element is
dark blue) were deposited and then press the OK
button to edit the station name.
The change of name takes place with the numeric
keys in the SMS-style. Thus, for example, contains
the key „2“, the letter „a“, „b“, „c“ and „2“. Do you want
to now create a „b“, so you need to twice the „2“ key.
up/down: Change position
GREEN: Change to Capitals
RED: Delete the previous character
OK: Save the new name
EXIT: Quit the edit menu
With the OK button to save the changed name.
Press the EXIT button to return to the previous menu
screen without saving.
Press the EXIT button to exit the edit menu and re-
turn to the TV list.