User manual

1. Find out the Server IP with UPnP tool
Step 1: Download and Install Intel Tools for UPnP technology
Step 2: Open Device Spy
Step 3: Lookup SAT>IP Server (Sample: IP address is
2. Login Page:
Users can login into the SAT>IP switch/server by using a specific local IP address.
Go to the first section to learn how to find the local IP address. By using browsers,
users are able to see a login page, which requires password. The system default
password is: satip_admin. The password can be changed; the detailed process will
be addressed in the following section tep 3: Lookup SAT>IP Server
(Sample: IP address is
Login Page
Enter Password: satip_admin. Click login
After successfully login, you can see main page
3. In the main page, you can see SW version, Clients, CPU Load,
Memory Usage, and Uptime:
SW version: Indicate current version in the SAT>IP Server.
Clients: How many uni-cast clients are connected to server.
Cpu Load: Loading of CPU.
Memory Usage: Indicate how many memories are occupied at the moment.
Date: System time
Uptime: Indicate how long the server has been running.