Product Manual

SLM750ModuleHardwareDesign Page 32, total 84 pages
or at + sleepen=0 to enable or disable sleep function of the module. When the module sleep function
is disabled, the module sleep related pin will be invalid, USB PHY will not enter the low power
(LPM) when the USB bus is suspended.
When the module is in a sleep state (WAKEUP_IN pin pulls down to trigger module sleep),
the pin should be pulled up, and at the same time, WAKEUP_IN will produce a rising edge, the
module will trigger a wake-up after detecting break in the rising edge, after that, the WAKEUP_IN
will remain high, and the module keeps awake.
The module control signal level supports 1.8 V logic level.
3.5.2 Flight Mode
When the module enters into flight mode, the RF function will not work, and all AT commands
correlative with RF function will be inaccessible. You can use the following ways to let the module
enter into flight mode: Hardware I/O interface controls flight mode
The W_DISABLE_N pin (PIN4) of SLM750 gives the module a low level signal. The module
enters into flight mode and RF sending and receiving unit stops working. Pull up PIN4 and the
module will enter into normal mode.
Module control signal level supports 1.8V logical level. AT command controls flight mode
Send AT+CFUN=4 command to let the module enter into flight mode, and RF sending and
receiving unit stops working at the time. Send AT+CFUN=1 command to let the module enter into
normal mode again.
3.6 Power Supply
3.6.1 Power supply pins
SLM750 has four VBAT pins to connect to external power and can be divided into two power