User's Manual

1RF receive mode
MD-01(MC-01) at VDD = 3.0V, Tc = 25 ° condition, the
receiversensitivity is -88dBm at the rate of 250Kbps ,
10kbps rate when-98dBm, the digital channel filter
bandwidth between the 58~650KHz bandwidth limit should
be crystal proportional to the frequency.
2RF transmit mode
MD-01's output power between-30dBm ~ +1 dBm,
and spuriousradiation in the frequency of 25MHz ~ 1GHz ,is
-36dBm, at 47 ~ 74,87.5 ~ 118,174 ~ 230,470 ~ 862MHz is
-54dBm, the 1800MHz ~ 1900MHz (restricted band in
Europe) is as-47dBm, and in 2 * RF 3 * RF (U.S.
restrictions on the band) when -41dBm, the other is -30dBm
when the frequencies above 1GHz.
34-wire configuration interface
When the MD-01 in a subordinate position, it's SI, SO,