
6. Remove the locking collar the rest of the way off the assembly and remove the
remainder of the e-stop switch assembly.
7. Install a new e-stop switch
assembly by reversing the
previous steps for removing
the old one. The switch
block and assembly body
are keyed for assembly in
one orientation only.
8. When the new switch block
is pressed onto the end of
the switch assembly,
transfer the wires one at a
time to keep them in the
proper order (refer to the
diagram in Figure 2-8).
As shown in the figure, the two wires labeled with C and (C) are connected to
the pole marked C. The two wires labeled with D and (D) are connected to the
pole marked D.
wire C
wire D
wire (D)
wire (C)
switch pole
Figure 2 - 8
Display Screen Intensity 2 - 7
110291-01, Rev D 2. Service Maintenance (except head and trimmer)