
Check Spring Adjustment
After replacing a thread check spring, install the thread tensioner into the thread
tensioner mounting bracket. You must then adjust the tension of the check spring
against the thread break contact. To set this tension:
1. Slightly loosen the set screw in the top of the thread tensioner mounting bracket
that secures the thread tensioner (see Figure 3-8).
2. Rotate the thread tensioner to the position where the check spring is just
touching the left side of the thread break contact (brass post). See Figure 3-10.
3. Observe the position of the thread tensioner check spring, then continue to
rotate the thread tensioner clockwise the distance of 2 spokes of the rotating
disk (see See Figure 3-10). This represents 40 degrees rotation.
4. Tighten the set screw in the top of the thread tensioner bracket.
Adjustment Hints
The following is a discussion of embroidery quality issues with respect to the check
spring adjustment:
As you exceed 2 spokes you may start to see deterioration of the tightening of the
stitch due to a reduced rotational stroke of the check spring. A certain amount of
stroke distance is required to take up the thread slack and cinch the stitch properly.
If the check spring is too tight against the thread break post it will not retract far
enough to make that stroke needed for a good tight stitch. False thread break
messages may also occur with excessive rotation.
thread break
contact post
thread tensioner
(front view)
2 spokes
check spring
just touching
thread break
1 spoke
2 spokes
0 spoke
thread tensioner
(side view)
Figure 3 - 10
3 - 12 Thread Tensioner Assembly
EMT 10T Technical Manual Melco Embroidery Systems