
Replacing Needle Case Cross Roller Bearing
Refer to the figures within the needle case removal and installation procedures for
this procedure.
1. Remove the needle case as described previously in this manual.
2. Remove the clamping devises that were installed at each end of the V-rail during
the removal of the needle case.
3. Carefully slide the bearing retainer plate assembly with cross roller bearing off
either end of the V-rail.
4. Position the new cross roller bearing onto the V-rail and install the bearing
retainer plate assembly. Refer to the cross roller bearing centering adjustment.
5. Check for proper adjustment of the retainer plate assembly bearings by referring
to the retainer plate bearing adjustment procedure.
6. Reinstall the clamping devises at each end of the V-rail.
Cross Roller Bearing Centering
The cross roller bearing must be installed between the embroidery head v-rail and
the needle case v-rail attached to the retainer plate. When these two are slid
together and the retainer plate is centered on the head, the cross roller bearing
must be centered (equal distance from each end of the rails).
1. With the needle case and retainer plate assembly removed, lay the cross roller
bearing onto the embroidery head v-rail. Orient the bearing with the welded
edge down and position it to the right edge of the v-rail.
2. Place the retainer plate assembly onto the cross roller bearing at the right end of
the embroidery head v-rail. (The needle case may or may not be attached to the
retainer plate assembly at this time.)
3. Slide the retainer plate assembly left to the point where the left edge of the
retainer plate is aligned with the center of the needle bar guide shaft felt pad
(see Figure 3-26).
4. Position the left edge of the cross roller bearing in line with the left edge of the
retainer plate and the center of the needle bar guide shaft felt pad. (The second
roller of the cross roller bearing should just be engaging between the
embroidery head v-rail and the needle case v-rail.)
5. Slide the retainer plate assembly onto the embroidery head v-rail and cross roller
3 - 28 Needle Case
EMT 10T Technical Manual Melco Embroidery Systems