
FAQs about Flash Cards and Drives
There is a lot of confusion about the various different types of flash memory. In order to help
customers make educated choices about the media and formats they choose, Memorex has
assembled a list of Frequently Asked Questions in addition to the Memorex Guide to Flash Cards
and Drives that covers the subject in detail. Click on the blue text to get to the answer to each
question. Some answers have additional links to the Memorex Reference Guide for even more
Flash Media Questions
1) What are
flash media? Why are they called “flash”?
2) How many
different kinds are there?
3) Which one is the
4) Which
one should I get?
5) What is the
Compact Flash?
6) Why are there
two different Compact Flash cards?
7) My camera takes a
3.3V Compact Flash. Which one should I get?
8) I can’t find
8MB Compact Flash cards anymore. What happened?
9) One CompactFlash card I have doesn’t work, and every device I put it into fails to work
after I use it.
Could it be corrupting files or something?
10) What are
Smart Media?
11) I have a camera that takes
Smart Media, but the card won’t fit. What gives?
12) My original digital camera came with an
8MB Smart Media card. I tried your 32MB card
and it doesn’t work. What’s wrong?
13) Why do my Smart Media cards work fine if I
format them in my camera and use them in
the camera and on my Windows XP computer, but if I format them on my computer, they
don’t work?
14) I have
two cameras that use Smart Media cards. I can’t switch a Smart Media card from
one camera to another to add more pictures. Why not?
15) What
are MultiMedia cards?
16) What are
Secure Digital cards?
17) What is an
SDIO card?
18) MultiMedia and Secure Digital cards
look the same. Are they really just the same?
19) What are
Memory Sticks?
20) What is
digital film?
21) If these things are digital film, should I keep them out of the airport
X-ray machines?
22) Some digital film cards are faster than others. Should I use the faster cards for taking
pictures in
low light?
23) What do I have to do to
protect these things? It seems nothing can hurt them but sitting on
24) How many times can I
erase and rerecord information on my flash card?
25) After
I erase files by deleting them from my flash card a few times, the card doesn’t work
as well. Is it wearing out?
26) My camera tells me that my flash card has
errors on it. Now what?
27) My flash card is supposed to hold 256MB of data; but when I
get close to filling it up, it
doesn’t work. Is it mislabeled?
28) I can’t get my flash
card reader to work. What’s wrong?