User guide

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BitTorrent Download
Select “BitTorrent Download” into download interface.
Add new torrent
Select “add new torrent”, then, click browse to choose torrent file path from local computer. When you
select a torrent file, Select “Open” to add and then confirm.
The page will display “torrent added…” and you will automatically be redirected to “webtorrenthome page”
before back download page.
1) Click “start” to begin download
At the bottom page, the torrent file information will be displayed.
When the left frame displays
, it means file is chosen. Then you can select
“start”, ”stop”, ”delete”, ”refresh” and sort order “up” and “down”.
2) BitTorrent Setting
Press “Setting” icon.
Set BT storage, Max download rate, Max upload rate and seed setting in this page.
Click “Save settings” to confirm, “Return” to cancel or “Default” to come back default setting.