Instructions / Assembly

Construction Tips
Sometimes, enthusiasm can get builders
into trouble if they dont think about the
consequences. Overnailing, for example,
is a common mistake. One deck nail or
screw per bearing is fine for redwood
2x 4 and 2 x 6 decking. Drive deck nail or
screw flush with deck surface; do not
countersink. Redwood shrinks less than
most wood, but unseasoned redwood
will shrink as the internal moisture evapo-
rates. If it is held down with too many
nails, decking may split when it shrinks.
Trapped moisture is another potential
troublemaker to consider. Wood decay is
caused by alternate moist and dry condi-
tions. Consequently, the areas that trap
moisture are the most critical. For exam-
ple, the place where posts meet footings,
or ledgers are attached to the house are
moisture-problem areas. These members
should be all-heartwood redwood and
they should be pre-finished with a water
repellent preservative solution. Decking,
because it is quick draining, will not be
as critical, but remember to leave about
a 1/8-inch space between deckboards for
drainage.You can use 16-penny nails as
spacers and they are usually the handi-
est measuring tool when you are apply-
ing the decking.
The Finishing Touch
There are many details that can help
turn a plain deck into an aaaahh deck.
Some finishing touches, like stairs and
railings, may be absolutely necessary
while others, like benches and planters,
are simply a matter of taste and style.
As you are working, youll notice other
little things you can do that will make the
deck just right. For example, a fascia
trim around the edge of the decking will
give it a more finished look. Chamfered
or roundover edges can soften the
appearance of the deck board ends and
edges. Or maybe youd like to use mitered
corners for your railing. Or add built-in
shelves or cabinets.