Use and Care Manual

A popular choice of upholstery material today is faux leather which is an eco-friendly alternative to
genuine leather. Although the two materials look similar, they’re quite different in terms of composition
and characteristics. Bearing that in mind, it can be noted that caring for faux-leather furnishings is quite
different from caring for leather furnishings.
Everyday Care
An advantage of faux leather is that it is non-porous, so most spills stay on the surface. Blotting
these as soon as possible will ensure that no harm is done.
Faux leather tends to crack when it dries up. Thus, it is strongly recommended that faux-leather
furnishings are kept away from direct sunlight.
Avoid chemical cleaners or strong detergents that contain bleach because this can cause
discoloration of the material or remove the surface coating resulting in stiffness.
Watch for pigments from clothes and daily use leaving an impression on your faux-leather chair
or sofa. If not wiped right away, these can stay on the surface forever.
Vacuum the surface regularly using the brush attachment. This will prevent dust and mites from
settling on the surface.
Vacuum the crevices to remove dirt and dust particles.
Wipe the surface regularly with a damp cloth soaked in water and mild soap. Once the surface is
cleaned, use a dry cloth to wipe any remaining water. r
If using dedicated cleaning products for faux leather, try these products on an inconspicuous
spot first.
Solid Wood
For several years now, solid wood furnishings have dominated the industry and this material continues
to grow in popularity even after the introduction of engineered woods and other synthetic replacements
like plastic and acrylic.
Solid wood is a popular mainly because of its organic feel, strength and its durability. In addition to this,
solid wood is preferred over other materials because it most certainly introduces warmth and organic
charm to any room. If cared for regularly, a well-constructed solid wood article can last you a lifetime.
Moreover, solid wood furniture is now available in modern designs and finishes that make for timeless
additions to any space. Caring for solid wood isn’t considered very difficult and regular care can reduce
the amount of maintenance required to keep your furniture looking new for years to come.
Preventive Measures
Some general tips to keep in mind when using solid wood furniture can help prolong the life of the
article by many years and keep it looking like new. Here are some practices we recommend.