Owner's manual

Select an entry by turning cVd the
COMAND controller.
Irrespective of the option chosen, press
W to confirm your selection.
The address entry menu reappears. The
street has now been entered.
Entering the house number
It is not possible to enter a house number until
a street has been entered.
Select No. in the address entry menu by
turning cVd and sliding ZVÆ the
COMAND controller and press W to
The character bar appears.
Enter a house number. Instructions for
entering characters using city input as an
example can be found in the "Entering
characters in navigation mode (entering a
city)" section (Y page 119).
Confirm the entry with W.
The address entry menu reappears. The
house number has now been entered.
Starting route calculation
You can now have COMAND calculate the
route to the address entered or save the
address first, e.g. as your home address (My
address) (Y page 142).
Address entry menu with destination address
Destination address
To start route calculation
In the address entry menu, confirm Start
by pressing W.
If no other route has been calculated, route
calculation starts immediately (Option 1). If
another route has already been calculated
(route guidance is active), a prompt
appears (option 2).
Option 1 – no route guidance active: route
calculation starts. While route calculation is
in progress, an arrow will indicate the
direction to your destination. Below this, you
will see the Fast route is being
calculated... message.
Once the route has been calculated, route
guidance begins. If the vehicle is traveling on
a non-digitized road, the system displays the
linear distance to the destination, the
direction of the destination and the Street
unknown message. In this case, the display
will be grayed out.
Option 2 – route guidance is already
active: if route guidance is already active, a
prompt will appear asking whether you wish
to terminate the currently active route
Select Yes or No and press W to confirm.
If you select Yes, COMAND will stop route
guidance and start route calculation for the
new destination.
If you select No, COMAND will continue
with the active route guidance.