User manual Page 44
Hapi User Manual
we recommend our users to set the level alignment to -6dB on each DA
module configuration page.
48V This button will turn on 48V phantom power for the channel. If it is lit, it means
that Phantom power is active. Only active on channels set to Mic.
If a MAJOR (by MAJOR, we mean that the threshold of short-circuit detection
requires at least 10 Preamp inputs to be shorted simultaneously) 48V Phantom
Power Supply short circuit is detected, 48V is forced off on all A/D channels
and the following error message is displayed.
“48V power failure: all A/D 48V forced off until next reboot”
This warning applies ONLY to the initial RUN 3 production batch of AD8 and AD8P and has been
fixed for all modules shipped starting November 2012:
The 48V power MUST be turned off prior to changing the connection in certain patch bays. Many
such patch bays do short the Hot, Cold or both signals to Ground during insertion or removal of the
Jacks with the risk of deteriorating permanently the protective resistors in the input of the PreAmp
circuitry. If an AD module input circuitry is damaged, following such a short, it will end up
permanently having inaccurate gain levels, distortion or even no signal at all on some channels.
That would require hardware replacements at your own cost, since such damage is not covered by
our warranty.
If you still own one of the original and unmodified RUN 3 AD8/AD8P modules we recommend that
you contact your Merging reseller to organize an update of your module(s), which Merging is
pleased to provide free of charge.
PAD (P) A -10 dB Pad can be applied inserted in the Mic Preamp circuitry.
Ø Phase invert button. When lit, it inverts the polarity of the selected input signal.
80 Hz (Hz) Low cut filter 80 Hz. Second order, 12 dB/octave.
Meters dB scaling The Meters scaling is displaying from -90 dBFS to 0 dBFS.
Meters color range Refer to the Meters Page Settings, in order to adjust the Level meter color
range (Peak, Alignment and Decay time).
Rst Stands for Reset Peaks Hold Meters. The top Red led of the PreAmp metering
will indicate that a Peak has occurred. In order to clear the Peak display, simply
press the RST button. This is useful if you have enabled the Peak Hold option
under the Meters menu Settings
Navigation Use the left << and right >> arrows in order to navigate through the banks of 8
inputs. Will be active if more than one AD8(P) module is present in the unit.
Setup Menu
The Setup menu’s primary page contains function buttons described below as well as sub-menu links
listed in the sub-sections; Formats, Routing, Modules, Presets, System, Network and Info