Operation Manual

Appendix 3 RS232 48
518 User Guide
Appendix 3 RS232
The 518 may be operated via its RS232 interface.
Set the communication settings as follows:
Baud rate 9600
Data bits 8
Stop bit 1
Parity none
The 518 is operated by sending short command strings on the RS232
interface. Each command is terminated by a <return> (dec. 13). No echo
is implemented. Any subsequent <return> on its own repeats the last
518 returns useful strings acknowledging the command and giving status
Handset Functions
The following commands emulate the MSR remote control keys.
Sources send one of: CD, RD, LP, TV, T1, T2, CR, CB, TX, V1, V2, LD
Numbers send one of: N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9, N0, DP
(decimal point)
Menus send one of: ML, MR, MP, MM (for
w, e, n, s.)
Source send one of: PR (previous), PL (play), NE (next), PS (pause), FB
(fast back), ST (stop), FF (fast forward), RC (record), RP (repeat)
Memory: SR (store), CL (clear)
Status: DI (display), SB (standby)
Volume: VP (up), VM (down), MU (mute)
GoTo Functions
There are direct access functions that use two-character codes that may
be followed by additional numbers or parameters.
VN## Goto volume number
GN±## Goto gain number
BP Goto DSP Bypass
GA Goto DSP Gain
EM Goto DSP Emphasis
DE Goto DSP De-emphasis
DT# Goto dither # (0=flat, 1= HP, ....6=ShapeE)
IN## Goto input bits ##
OU##C Goto output bits ## (Consumer format)
OU##P Goto output bits ## (Professional format)