User guide

• • • • 6 • • • •
The basics of using your telephone
Answering calls
To indicate an incoming call, your telephone rings and a
symbol flashes beside a DN key.
To answer a call:
1. Lift the handset; or press
; or press the DN key beside the flashing
Making calls
To call using the dial pad:
1. Lift the handset or press
2. Wait for dial tone.
3. If no free line is selected automatically, press a DN key.
4. Dial the number.
Whenever in this guide you read “Lift the handset,” you may alternatively press a free DN key, or press
(if so equipped). Each of these actions will give you dial tone.
Placing a call on hold
To place a call on hold:
1. Press
. The
flashes beside the line on hold.
To return to a held call:
1. Press the DN key beside the flashing
Transferring calls
To transfer a call to another extension:
1. Press
. The other party is on hold and you hear special dial tone.
2. Dial the extension that you want to transfer the call to.
3. Press
again, either when you hear ringing, or after you talk privately to the person you are
transferring the call to.
4. Press
to transfer the call.
When using a feature of your telephone, such as transferring a call, if the person you are calling is not
available, press the DN key to speak to the original caller.