
nlike the first Meris stoboxers,
the Ottobit Jr and the Mercury7,
both based on 500 series studio
rack modules designed by the company,
their newest addition, the Polymoon,
seems to have started life purely as a pedal,
having no equivalent module.
Described as a super-modulated
multiple tap delay, the inspiration behind
it came from sounds created by cascading
the rack delays that were prevalent in
the 1980s, particularly in the way that
Allan Holdsworth and Frank Zappa
used those units. The Polymoon takes
that further with its ability to modulate
and morph every single parameter. With
various options for stereo or mono use, the
signal path starts with a pair of dynamic
flangers in parallel feeding the multi-tap
modulated delay before hitting a pair of
barberpole phasers. The delay section
features six lines, each with its own
modulation source (LFO) and plenty of
options for modulation.
Six knobs shape the Polymoon’s sound
but each has a secondary function,
accessed by holding down the Alt
button; the Feedback knob, for example,
provides global feedback for the delay
network but has the secondary function
of tilt EQ filtering making the repeats
darker or brighter. This is a pedal that
rewards experimentation but a thorough
knowledge of what the knobs are doing,
particularly the alternative parameters,
is key, as subtle changes in their
juxtapositions can take you off on
different creative tangents.
You can start with straight digital delay
using the Time, Feedback and Mix knobs
in the conventional fashion, perhaps with
some of that EQ dialled in. The Multiply
knob then selects the six multi-tap options,
each progressively more complex and the
Dimension knob adds reflections to the
repeats, creating a smearing effect and
conjuring up reverb.
With extra fine-tuning over the delays
via another secondary parameter, there’s
plenty for delay and ambience fans but you
also have the option of adding flanger and/
or phaser to the mix. The whole signal
path has pristine quality and these two are
classy effects that integrate brilliantly with
the delay to bring dreamy movement to the
sound. Its especially effective in stereo as
Meris Polymoon
Delay with a difference! This aptly named pedal will put your sound into
several exotic orbits at once and open up new soundworlds
Words Trevor Curwen Photography Joby Sessions
020 3008 7530 /WWW.MERIS.US
GIT428.peds_meris.indd 108 30/11/2017 13:37

Summary of content (2 pages)