Technical data

More QoS Rule Examples
© 2012 Meru Networks, Inc. Configuring Quality of Service 253
00:0f:86:12:1d:7c 1 AP-1 5381 100
off 00:00:00:00:00:00 0 69
101 off sip connected
Phone Call Table(1 entry)
Displaying Call Admission Details
To view the current calls supported by APs, use the show statistics call-admis-
sion-control ap command.
controller# show statistics call-admission-control ap
AP ID Current Calls Cumulative Rejected Calls
6 0 0
Call Admission Control AP Statistics(1 entry)
To show calls in relation to specific BSSIDs, use the show statistics call-admission
control bss command.
controller# show statistics call-admission-control bss
BSSID Current Calls Cumulative Rejected Calls
00:0c:e6:13:00:da 0 0
00:0c:e6:52:b3:4b 0 0
00:0c:e6:f7:42:60 0 0
Call Admission Control BSS Statistics(3 entries)
More QoS Rule Examples
The following are in addition to the previous examples in this chapter, QoS Rule CLI
Configuration Example and Rate Limiting Examples:
Rate-Limit a Certain Client
Wireless Peer-to-Peer Qos Rules
Rate-Limit a Certain Client
To rate-limit the client from any source, follow these steps:
1. Determine the token bucket rate to achieve the desired rate limit. In the example
below, we’ll limit it to 3Mbps (3Mbps = 3000000bps. 3000000/8/8=46875).
2. Create the following qosrule to rate-limit a particular client from any source:
Controller1# sh qosrule 23
QoS and Firewall Rules