Technical data

Enterprise Mesh Troubleshooting
© 2012 Meru Networks, Inc. Wireless Backbones With Enterprise Mesh 271
# wbscli
wbs mgr cli
wbs { {display | show} {config | flash | table | help}
| config { parent-mac <MAC>
| channel <number>
| country-code <number>
| encryption { on | off }
| role {wireless | gateway}
| help
# wbscli display flash
wbs mgr cli
WBS parent-mac is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
WBS channel is 40
WBS country-code is 840
WBS encryption is off
WBS role is gateway.
# wbscli config channel 44
wbs mgr cli
channel : 44.
# wbscli display flash
wbs mgr cli
WBS parent-mac is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
WBS channel is 44
WBS country-code is 840
WBS encryption is off
WBS role is gateway.
Use this procedure to configure other Enterprise Mesh parameters.