Technical data

Error Messages
© 2012 Meru Networks, Inc. Troubleshooting 289
Error Messages
The following are common error messages that may occur either at the controller or
at an AP.
Message Text Explanation
[07/20 13:02:11.122]
WMAC: Wif(0):SetTsf()
May be observed on the AP command line or in trace log output from an
AP after a full diagnostics gather.
The SetTsf() messages indicate that the AP has adjusted its TSF (TSF
stands for Time Synchronization Function and is really the AP's clock)
forward by more than a certain threshold (the threshold is 5 seconds).
The specific case above indicates that the AP has just booted up and
adjusted its TSF value to its neighboring AP's TSF value.
You can tell that the AP just booted because its current TSF is a low
value (i.e. 6e3 microseconds). During initialization, the AP will
synchronize its TSF to the TSF of its neighbors whenever the neighbors
support a BSSID in common with this AP. That is a requirement to
support Virtual Cell.
[07/31 14:01:33.506]
*****ERROR***** QOS:
FlowMgr failed while
processing flow request,
reason= 5,
May be observed in the controller's CLI interface.
This error occurs when there is an attempt to either set up or remove an
AP flow on a station that has started a phone call. "reason=5" means the
cited station is not assigned to the AP where the attempt to set up/
remove the flow was made.
The presumed impact is that the stations (presumably phones) get lower
than normal call quality since there are no QoS flows established on
behalf of the MAC address.
Received non-local pkt on
This message may be observed on the serial console of a controller or
in the dmesg.txt output included with a controller's diagnostics. This
message indicates that a Ethernet type 0x4001 or UDP port 5000 packet
(L2 and L3 COMM respectively) was received by the controller's
Ethernet, but was not actually destined for the controller's MAC or IP