Technical data

System Logs
© 2012 Meru Networks, Inc. Troubleshooting 293
Station Log Events
Station log event messages are displayed in this format:
[object name, field name <old value: new value>, field name <old value: new value> …]”
Log Category : “nms”, Priority : ‘info”, Mnemonic : “CONFIG”
The following chart describes some common station log events.
Event Condition That Triggers Event Interpretation
| 00:0f:8f:9d:d3:23 | Station
Assign | <AID=1> assigned
A mobile station is assigned to
A mobile station is assigned to
the BSSID. Once a mobile
station is assigned to
AP::ESSID::BSSID, the mobile
proceeds to the next stage,
802.11 authentication and
association. The AID value is
assigned to the station if it goes
through 802.11 authentication/
| 00:0f:8f:9d:d3:23 | Station
Assign | <AID=1> Assign
Removed From
A mobile station's assignment
state is removed from
A mobile station cannot proceed
to the next stage, assignment.
The most common cause is that
a mobile station did not proceed
to the 802.11 authentication or
association stage within the
Station Assignment Aging Time.
00:16:6f:3b:17:a9|IP Address
Discovered| <Old IP discovery
IP=<New IP discovery
A Mobile station's discovery
method or IP address changes
and the system accepts the new
IP address.
The new IP field indicates an IP
address being used by a station.