Technical data

312 Meru System Director Configuration Guide © 2012 Meru Networks, Inc.
Capturing Packets
What Else Can I learn From A Diagnostic Event?
Examine the details of a particular event by copying a MAC address from a Web UI
screen such as Figure 43, pasting it into the Station Diagnostics window (Monitor >
Diagnostics > Station) and then clicking Start Diagnostics.
Figure 45: Results of pasting a MAC address into the Station Diagnostics window
Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click Show Buffered Diagnostics.
Capturing Packets
With the packet-capture-profile commands, you can capture packets from either a
controller’s local interface or capture over the air from access points. The
packet-capture-profile commands work on AP300/AP400 and AP1000. (For packet
capture on AP150, use the legacy command capture-packets.)
Once packets are captured, you have three options for using them. You can see
packet captures in real time, save them to a file for future offline analysis, or send
them to an IDS program or device.
The CLI command packet-capture-profile supports a capture of a file up to 10Mg.
Make sure that the directory captive is empty before using the command
packet-capture-profile. With the packet-capture-profile commands, you can
forward packet captures from APs directly to external devices without storing
packets locally on the controller. This eliminates the restriction on the file size of
the packet capture (you are not limited by controller memory) and also allows the