Technical data

Configuring E(z)RF Location Manager
© 2012 Meru Networks, Inc. Managing the System 37
AP300 Licensing Changed in Release 4.0 and Later
Before release 4.0, all AP300 units were recognized as AP320, N-capable APs. Because
AP300 licensing has been applied in System Director release 4.0, now AP320, AP310,
AP302, AP301, AP311, and AP320i are individually recognized and require the appropriate
licenses to be N-capable. This could affect upgraded AP300 units because licenses are
required for specific radios. You will have to either reconfigure units such as AP302, AP311
or AP301 in such a way that total number of interfaces configured as 11n in all APs
connected to the controller exactly match the number of 11n license on the controller or
alternately obtain more licenses that will allow you to configure more interfaces to 11n.
To obtain additional licenses, To reconfigure an AP300,
see the directions in any version of release notes later than 4.0.
Configuring E(z)RF Location Manager
Location Manager is supported by release 3.7 and later.
Configure E(z)RF Location Manager with the CLI
This example creates a packet-capture-profile named Location on a controller and
then forwards the captured packets directly from AP 16 to Location Manager on port
#9177. Port 9177 is the port where Location Manager is listening for incoming packets
in L3 mode.
MC3K-1# configure terminal
MC3K-1(config)# packet-capture-profile Location
MC3K-1(config-pcap)# mode l3 destination-ip port 9177
MC3K-1(config-pcap)# ap-list 16
MC3K-1(config-pcap)# exit
MC3K-1(config)# exit
MC3K-1# show packet-capture-profile Location
AP Packet Capture profiles
Packet Capture Profile Name : Location
Packet Capture profile Enable/Disable : off
Modes Allowed L2/L3 : l3
Destination IP Address :
UDP Destination Port : 9177
Destination MAC for L2 mode : 00:00:00:00:00:00
Rx only/Tx only/Both : rx
Rate Limiting per station or cumulative : station
Token Bucket Rate : 10
Token Bucket Size : 10
AP Selection : 16
Extended Filter String :
Interface List :
Packet Truncation Length : 82